The dean church has been recorded as a parish since 1280. After the foundation of the Augustinian monastery in 1367, the church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. At that time, probably the
most signifi cant painter of Gothic panel paintings in Bohemia, the Master of the Třeboň Altar, left his unique work here. The preserved panels of the Třeboň altar are currently a part of the
collections in the National Gallery in Prague. The world-famous Madonna of Třeboň from the period around 1400 has been preserved in the Gothic church with two naves. The cloister adjacent to the northern part of the church has been preserved with almost undamaged frescos and the paradise yard with a well.
In 1723, a fi re broke out in Třeboň that destroyed almost the entire town and damaged the church. The vault in the presbytery collapsed and the fi re damaged the interior of the church. The
frescos and the statue of Madonna of Třeboň survived the fi re. The new layout of the interior aft er the fire was entrusted to the Viennese artists P. Koeck (presbytery with the main altar) and J. N. Rottmayer (the church interior).