The former Minorite monastery with the Church of Corpus Christ in Český Krumlov is a unique historic complex comprising three monasteries in total: Minorite, St. Clare and Beguine. The monasteries were founded approximately in the middle of the 14th century by Catherine of Rožmberk. The premises of the monasteries with the church are part of Latrán, to the east of the castle. The present appearance of the monastery comes from several signifi cant building stages including the foundation of the monastery in the 14th century, its late Gothic modifi cations in the period from 1490 to 1500 (a unique set of late Gothic trusses is well-preserved from this period), and the Baroque reconstruction in the 17th and 18th centuries giving the premises their current appearance. In recent history, the monasteries served for various purposes, for example as a military school or residence for the noble court offi cers. Later they housed stores and social apartments. Aft er an extensive reconstruction in 2014-2015, a modern Cultural and Educational Center was established in the former monastery buildings, and permanent exhibitions called Life and Art in the Krumlov Monasteries and Interactive Exposition of Human Skills were installed here.
Craft workshops make up one of the most interesting parts, where visitors may try to make their own product in the forge, printing, or glass workshops.