The deanery Church of St. Procopius is one of the most signifi cant monuments in Strakonice. It is located in the premises of the Strakonice Castle at the confl uence of the Volyňka and Otava
Rivers. It was founded by the noble family of Bavor from Strakonice most likely at the beginning of the 13th century. It was originally consecrated to St. Adalbert and has been called the Church of St. Procopius since the 14th century. The original church was built in Romanesque style, later followed by a Baroque reconstruction, and there are also some signs of the Rococo. The 40-meter
church tower with its preserved Romanesque character comes from around 1243, and the Gothic presbytery comes from the same period. Signifi cant adjustments of the church were made at the beginning of the 16th century. The main nave obtained a late Gothic rib vaulting with fi ve fi elds and inserted terracotta rosettes above the choir. The inner Baroque decorations of the church were completed around the end of the 18th century.
The Gothic cloister with unique brick ribs is decorated with wall paintings from the fi rst third of the 14th century. These frescos are the earliest cycle of wall paintings north of the Alps and show the teaching activities of Jesus Christ.