In the originally swampy countryside of the Třeboň Region, the establishment of lakes associated with fi sh breeding became a profitable economic activity. At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, Petr IV of Rožmberk became the owner of the Třeboň domain and supported economic activities in this domain, mainly the construction of fi sh ponds. Štěpánek Netolický served
him, being the fi rst person to build the Třeboň pond system systematically, thus starting the most famous part of the Třeboň fishing tradition. His most signifi cant works include the Golden Canal. This artifi cial canal with a length of approximately 45 km has been supplying a great part of the lakes in the Třeboň Region with water from the Lužnice River for many centuries. In the second half of the 16th century, Jakub Krčín of Jelčany and Sedlčany looked aft er the further development of the ponds under his service for the Rožmberk Family. His most significant activities include the construction of two extensive ponds named Rožmberk and Svět (World) and the construction of the artificial canal called the “New River”. The local lakes currently form 16 water management sets, mainly sloped towards the basins of the Lužnice and Nežárka rivers.
The water surface of Rožmberk covers 489 hectares, making it the largest lake in Central Europe – you can even see the curvature of the earth on its water surface.