Town of Český Krumlov – a UNESCO monument
One of the most beautiful towns in the Czech Republic, Český Krumlov was founded by an important noble family – the Vítkovci – in the middle of the 13th century. Other signifi cant families contributing to the town development were the Rožmberks, Eggenbergs and the Schwarzenbergs. The castle and chateau, listed together with the historical center of the town on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1992, is an extraordinary architectonic gem with European signifi cance. This is the second largest castle and chateau complex in the Czech Republic, aft er Prague Castle. The chateau is open to the public from April to October. The Castle Museum and Castle Tower on the second courtyard are open all year long. The Baroque Castle Theater from the late 17th century, situated on the fi ft h courtyard, is one of a kind in the world. A Baroque garden accommodating another European rarity – open-air Theatre with Revolving Auditorium – in its center, is also a part of the castle. Crooked medieval streets of the inner town with original Gothic and Baroque buildings inspire for a romantic walk. Town tours with costumed guides under the moon will bring you to the period when the town was reigned by the Lords of Roses. Also worth a visit are the reconstructed complex of Krumlov Monasteries, the Regional Museum, Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Seidel Photo Studio, which you can enter for a discount when using the Krumlov Card. www.ckrumlov.info
Tip for an experience
A true adventure is a cruise on a raft in the Vltava meander off ering an unusual view of the town and the castle.
TOP cultural events
Slavnosti pětilisté růže (Five-Petalled Rose Festival), every year in June
Revolving Auditorium, every year from June to September
Mezinárodní hudební festival (International Music Festival), every year from July to August
Festival vína (Wine Festival), every year from October to November
Cistercian Monastery in Vyšší Brod
You can draw spiritual strength during the visit of the only functioning male Cistercian monastery in Bohemia. The monastery in Vyšší Brod is a unique sacral monument hiding in its walls a real treasure, the religious relics of Záviš Cross from the 13th century, equal to the Czech crown jewels with regard to its priceless value. The monastery library is also a special monument, and with its 70 thousand volumes is the third largest library in the Czech Republic, as well as the Madonna of Vyšší Brod. www.klastervyssibrod.cz
This area, located near the largest artifi cially created body of water in the Czech Republic, is a paradise for those who love to spend their free time actively. The water surface of the Lipno Lake is perfect for water sports, but also lovers of biking or adrenalin sports will enjoy the area. The biggest center in the area is the municipality of Lipno nad Vltavou where you can also enjoy a unique wooden observation tower called the Treetop Walkway, open the whole year round. From its observation gallery you will have a beautiful view of the lake surface, and in good weather conditions you can even see the tops of the Alps covered with snow. However, Lipensko is not only a summer holiday resort. The country covered with snow attracts lovers of downhill skiing to visit Skiareal Lipno, iceskaters to enjoy the frozen surface of the water reservoir, and everyone to enjoy life in full. www.lipensko.cz
Tip for an experience
For courageous fans of adrenaline sports, we recommend downhill biking in free terrain at the Bikepark Lipno or riding a scooter from the top of the Kramolín Mountain.
TOP cultural events
Lipno Sport Fest in Lipno nad Vltavou, every year in July
September Fest in Horní Planá, every year in September