Every vacation should include a bit of distraction on the side, so we’ve included a few recommendations of what we think are ideal quick getaways. Mostly culture, new information, a few thrills, and some minor distractions.
České Budějovice
While in České Budějovice, stop at the Visitors’ Center of the Budvar brewery. A tour of the modern museum featuring the history and present day of this České Budějovice brewery is a fun way to spend a few hours. About a quarter of the way through the tour, you’ll get thirsty for beer, and it gets more intense as you go on. No way around it, then, simply head to Budvar’s restaurant called Masné krámy (former meat market), just a short ways from the Přemysl Otakar II town square. Order a Krausened beer and enjoy the unforgettable atmosphere of this historical building from the time of King Charles IV. The restaurant is very comfortable for wheelchair users and the staff is experienced. The Masné krámy restaurant is a favorite place for the České Budějovice wheelchair athlete community.