Don’t be fooled by the plaque at the entrance to Lnáře Castle that reads “State Castle, Building of the Office of the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic”. The plaque is a reminder that the government actually had its headquarters there. In the 1990’s it even declared the coupon privatization process from this site. Today, however, the castle is mainly a venue for weddings. From spring to autumn, every second weekend, you’ll see at least one bride and groom who have come here to get married at any of five places in the castle! In the chapel, in the fresco hall, in the garden, in the park, and even in the tower. The popular Prague actor and moderator Alfred Strejček had his daughter married here, for example.
The castle has served as a hotel for years and comfortably accommodates its guests. The symbol of the chateau is the golden key (hence the original legend and name Schlüsselburg), which adorned the facade and is somewhere hidden today. The Czech TV documentary series “O poklad Anežky České” was also filmed here.
The surrounding countryside is full of fishponds (there were reportedly 365 here from the 15th to the 17th century, like the days of the year). Bohemia’s most famous fishpond engineer Jakub Krčín of Jelčany and Sedlčany stayed and worked here at the invitation of the Kolowrat family and built a number of local canals.
During the years of communism, the chateau fell into dilapidation (part of it even served for housing sheep), in the 1960’s there were dance balls held here, and it also housed a kindergarten and a cinema. Many of the frescoes were soaked by water leaking from a cracked tank on the top floor. The castle began to be reconstructed from 1972, then was continued by the Czechoslovak government from 1980 for use as a luxury representational and recreation center, in operation since 1985. During the reconstruction the castle received an elevator, a bar, a sauna, a dining room, and a garage. The garden received a new tennis court, volleyball court, minigolf course, and an outdoor grill. In 1993, the castle was finally restituted to the descendants of the original owner, JUDr. Jindřich Anastáz Vaníček, who died in 1958. Today, the entire castle and adjacent fields, forests, and ponds is administrated by the vast 17-member collective of heirs of the Vaníček family who is spread throughout the country. Sometimes it is rather difficult to decide what the most pressing task is and what has to wait for renovation or reconstruction.
Near by tips: Kadov Only six kilometers from the village of Pole, Kadov was originally a medieval wooden rustic fort owned by Racek of Žihobce. It was built from stone in the 16th century and has an interesting Renaissance west wing. For a while, the local population attempted to revive it by repairing the brewery and the garden, but unfortunately the building was sold and is currently closed.