The monumental complex of the castle and chateau of Český Krumlov is extraordinary in its architecture, cultural tradition, and size, and has rightfully been inscribed on the UNESCO List. The castle premises, built by the Vítkovec family and rebuilt in the Renaissance style by the Rožmberks, towers over a rocky promontory above the meanders of the Vltava River and consists of 41 castle buildings and administration buildings as well as a 12-hectare decorative garden. In addition to the Renaissance Rožmberk interiors and the Baroque Schwarzenberg suites from the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries, other places are accessible to the public as well. The Castle Museum will attract your attention with its character, exhibited items, and year-round operation. It provides easy access to the lookout gallery of the castle tower. The extensive Gothic vaulted cellars featuring a collection of stone statues and three galleries of Czech and Central European ceramic, glass, and fi ne arts are also frequently visited. The true pearl in the crown of theater heritage is the castle’s Baroque theater, one of the best-preserved European dramatic scenes of the 18th century with its almost completely preserved sets of decorations, costumes, and props as well as the still fully functional stage technology. Visitors will be especially attracted to the exclusive exhibition of the princely stable, where you can see part of the unique collection of harnesses and historical transport vehicles preserved in the Schwarzenberg collections. The greatest attraction is the Schwarzenberg coach, drawn by six spotted horses, or the ceremonial sled with a horse in a luxurious harness.
The castle tower has been a symbol of Český Krumlov and a sign of its rich history and artistic beauty since ancient times. When ascending the 162 steps to its overview gallery, visitors will be rewarded by an enchanting view over the entire town and nearby surroundings.