Bechyně Castle
This originally princely settlement in Bechyně, mentioned as early as the 9th century, is situated on the southernmost rock promontory above the confl uence of the Lužnice River and Smutná stream. Before 1268, King Přemysl Otakar II obtained the…
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Blatná Water Castle
The first written mention of the former castle comes from 1235. A wooden fortress had been erected on a rocky island in the middle of a swamp and later rebuilt into a castle. The most famous period of the castle’s history is related to the Lev…
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Castle and chateau of Český Krumlov – UNESCO
The monumental complex of the castle and chateau of Český Krumlov is extraordinary in its architecture, cultural tradition, and size, and has rightfully been inscribed on the UNESCO List. The castle premises, built by the Vítkovec family and rebuilt…
Go to detailČervená Lhota State Castle
The castle, standing on a rocky island above the surface of a pond, hides in its core the remnants of an original fortress from the 14th century. The current Renaissance building was built after 1530 but was further developed in the course of the…
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Dačice State Castle
The original Renaissance castle was built at the end of the 16th century for the family of Krajířů of Krajk and it gained its current appearance over the course of its reconstruction in the 1930s. A guided tour around the castle off ers 21 rooms…
Go to detailHelfenburk Castle
These ruins of a Gothic castle, founded in the 14th century by the Rožmberk family, are located near Bavorov on a forested hill named Malošín. In the 15th and 16th century, the castle was gradually reconstructed. An 18-meter circular Great Tower…
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Hluboká nad Vltavou State Castle
This romantic building was erected on the site of a Baroque castle with an extensive sub-castle area in 1839-1871, inspired by English Tudor and Elizabethan architecture. The princely couple of Johann Adolf II of Schwarzenberg with his wife Eleonora…
Go to detailHolašovice – UNESCO
Holašovice is the best-preserved example of South Bohemian architecture from the second half of the 19th century. This is a unique set of farm buildings, built and decorated to produce a specific look known as Rustic Baroque, centered around a large…
Go to detailJindřichův Hradec Castle and Chateau
The castle and chateau in Jindřichův Hradec is one of our most beautiful and monumental castle premises. Under the reign of the last Lords of Hradec, Jáchym and Adam II, the originally Gothic castle was magnifi cently reconstructed into a…
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Kratochvíle State Castle
This is one of our most beautiful Renaissance buildings, situated in the picturesque countryside amidst middle of forests, pastures, and ponds, and was built in 1583-1590 by Vilém of Rožmberk. This unique Renaissance and Mannerism building was…
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Landštejn Castle
One of the most signifi cant Roman monuments in Central Europe, this was built as a base for the Moravian Přemyslid family to protect the provincial routes in the Vitorazs Region at the beginning of the 12th century. The domain was soon obtained by…
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Lnáře Castle
In 1670-1686, a two-storey four-wing castle was built next to the Medieval fortress. The castle construction was initiated by the Earl of Mitrovice Aleš Vratislav, and was completed by Tomáš Zacheus, the son of Earl Humprecht Jan Černín of Chudenice…
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Mitrowicz Castle
A romantic castle located on the bank of the Lužnice River near Týn nad Vltavou. The original fortress from 1565 was rebuilt in 1737-1741 under the direction of Earl František Wratislav of Mitrowicz. The residential part was extended with the chapel…
Go to detailNové Hrady State Castle
This passage-way castle, with its two opposite gates and deep moat, was founded by the Vitkovec Family in the second half of the 13th century. The town walls were adjacent to the castle wall and protected the inhabitants of the surrounding town.…
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Old Tábor Town Hall
The Old Town Hall in Tábor is one of the most signifi cant late Gothic monuments in Czech towns. This national cultural monument, with its unmistakable square Pseudo-Gothic tower, is one of the dominant features of the city of Tábor. The Town Hall…
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Orlík Castle
The castle gained its name (orlík = young eagle) due to its location high on a rock and above the valley of the Vltava River and is attractive even today thanks to its unique location in the countryside on the bank of the Orlík Reservoir. The castle…
Go to detailRožmberk State Castle
Rafters and boaters oft en think that they are seeing two different castles stretch above the water in the meanders of the Vltava River. The older Lower Castle, built in the fi rst half of the 13th century by the Vítkovec Family, was joined at the…
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Strakonice Castle
This castle was founded at the confl uence of the Volyňka and Otava Rivers in 1220-1235 by the noble family of Bavor. In 1243, Bavor I gave the eastern part of the castle to the Order of Saint John who established commandries there. The Order of…
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Třeboň State Castle
This originally small, town castle served the Rožmberk Family from 1366 for occasional stays in the Třeboň dominion. After a fire in the town in 1562, the destroyed castle was gradually reconstructed into a Renaissance chateau as ordered by Vilém of…
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Vimperk Castle
The original Vimperk castle was founded around the half of the 13th century as a guard fortress above the Golden Path leading from Bavaria to Bohemia. The castle passed through the hands of many noble families – Janovic, Kaplíř of Sulevice, Malovec…
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Zvíkov Castle
The originally royal castle stretching above the surface of the Orlík Reservoir is oft en called the “king of Czech castles” and it rightfully has its place among the gems of the Czech early Gothic architecture. The first written mention comes from…
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