In 1670-1686, a two-storey four-wing castle was built next to the Medieval fortress. The castle construction was initiated by the Earl of Mitrovice Aleš Vratislav, and was completed by Tomáš
Zacheus, the son of Earl Humprecht Jan Černín of Chudenice. This Baroque monument has richly decorated interiors. You can see wall paintings with scenes from Antic mythology by Giacomo Tencalla. The stucco decoration, accompanied by frescoes, creates an extraordinary beautiful complex. The representative hall with a ceiling fresco picturing the antique gods, for example, is very beautiful. The castle chapel of St. Joseph is richly decorated with frescoes showing biblical scenes. The castle courtyard is decorated with a fountain from the end of the 17th century. A stone collection is exhibited in the castle garden. The sculptures of antique gods are the work of Ignatius Michael Platzer. In addition to these historical gems, there is also an exhibition on pond management and a Cat Museum. The castle garden, with its colorful rhododendrons and decorated historical castle halls, is an ideal place for weddings, social meetings, and congresses. The castle is accessible for public visits and also off ers premises for accommodation. The castle is located approximately 100 km southwest of Prague in the center of an old fi shing area. The oldest ponds come from the period of Charles IV, and they were allegedly extended with the participation of Jakub Krčín of Jelčany and Sedlčany.
The Lnáře Castle is located on the main road E-49 from Plzeň to České Budějovice, i.e. on the former demarcation line. It is no surprise, then, that the three liberation armies met in Lnáře
in May 1945: American, Soviet, and the army of General Vlasov. American soldiers were accommodated in the Lnáře castle, and General Vlasov stayed overnight as well.