Observation tower and forest park U Jakuba
The observation tower situated on Havel Mountain (680 m above sea level) off ers a beautiful view over the landscape of Czech Canada. Together with the entertainment and educational forest park it remains a favorite destination of visitors of all ages. The tower is surrounded with cascades of ponds, retention reservoirs and uncounted granite rocks with interesting shapes, the most unusual of which is called the Devil’s Ass. www.ceskakanadazvysky.cz
Town of Jindřichův Hradec
The fi rst written mention of the town situated on the 15th meridian of longitude, comes from the fi rst half of the 13th century. The most signifi cant monument is a complex of buildings of the originally Gothic castle from the 13th century, later rebuilt into a Renaissance chateau, the third largest castle complex in the Czech Republic. The highlight is Rondel music pavilion with very beautiful stucco decoration. The center of the historical part of the city consists of a square with Gothic and Renaissance houses and a majestic municipal observation tower. Jindřichův Hradec also contains a world rarity registered in the Guinness Book of Records, the biggest folk mechanical Nativity Scene in the world, the “Krýzovy Jesličky”. The model can be viewed in the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec the whole year round, even though the Christmas period is the most frequently sought, especially by younger visitors. The House of Tapestries is also worth seeing, where you can admire people’s skills and the beauty of craft work performed here by skilled weavers whom you can watch at work through a glass wall in an original interior. You should certainly bring a gift from Jindřichův Hradec, perhaps a world famous alcoholic drink and fruit syrup from Fruko Schulz. www.ckanada.cz
Tip for an experience
The St. Florian Aqua Show is a unique water fountain off ering a beautiful view of patterns made of water drops in combination with light eff ects and video projections accompanied with impressive music.
TOP cultural events
The tourist TOP week in Jindřichův Hradec, every year at the turn of July and August.
Town of Třeboň
Třeboň is inextricably linked to the tradition of pond management and fi shing, which has developed in this area since the 14th century. That period saw the beginning of the construction of a unique network of ponds and artifi cial channels that serves its purpose even today. A testimony to the skills of the ancient builders is also the Rožmberk Pond, the largest pond in Central Europe with an admirable area of 489 ha. The most picturesque parts of the historical center of Třeboň include its square with Renaissance and Baroque houses dominated by the Town Hall building with a large tower with a gallery. In the near vicinity you can take a tour of the Renaissance Třeboň Castle or visit the Regent Brewery, one of the oldest in the world, founded in 1379. It is unique for its Schwarzenberg Tomb from the 19th century, the J. K. Tyl Theater or the Church of Virgin Mary the Queen and St. Giles from the 13th century with the world-famous Madonna from around 1400. The history of pond management and fi shing is illustrated by a new exhibition in the Štěpánek Netolický House. The House of Třeboň Nature is also worth seeing and off ers a non-traditional view of the history of nature and landscape in this area. The town off ers valuable historical monuments to its visitors and also a nice relaxation in the Municipal Moorland Spas. When visiting the town, you should not forget to visit some of the local restaurants where you can buy freshwater fi sh from the surrounding ponds of Třeboň.
Tip for an experience
Make a “Trip Around the World”, or fi shpond Svět (svět=world) that will not take more than an hour. A ship crossing of the World Pond will enchant you with beautiful views of the town of Třeboň.
TOP cultural events
Anifilm, every year in May
Historické slavnosti Jakuba Krčína (Historical Festival of Jakub Krčín), every year in July
Třeboňská nokturna (Třeboň Nocturnes), every year in July
Town of Borovany
Borovany is located in a beautiful countryside and it gained its name from the deep pine forests surrounding this picturesque town. The town is most attractive for its newly restored Augustinian monastery and castle where you can see permanent and exceptional exhibitions. During the summer season from May to September, tours with a guide are available. Not far from Borovany you should visit the birthplace of the Hussite general, Jan Žižka of Trocnov. In addition to the spacious natural complex with a monumental memorial, you can also visit a permanent exhibition dedicated to the historical Hussite period. www.borovansko.cz
Tip for an experience
Less than 4 km from Borovany in the direction of Trhové Sviny you can visit the Dvorec ZOO, where endangered species of large cats are successfully bred. www.zoodvorec.cz
TOP cultural events
Borůvkobraní (Blueberry Harvesting) in Borovany u Českých Budějovic, every year in July
Trocnovské slavnosti u památníku Jana Žižky z Trocnova (Trocnov festival), every year in September
Žumberk Fortress
In Žumberk you can visit a permanent exhibition of folk painted furniture from Southern Bohemia and exhibition called Fish and People, Rožmberk’s and Fish Farmers in Southern Bohemia and in Waldviertel. Both exhibitions are located in the fortress founded in the 13th century. A visit, including a tour around the exhibitions, is possible in the form of organized tours with a guide.
Town of Nové Hrady
This town, located in the southernmost corner of the South Bohemian Region, is the gate to the Novohradské mountains. The town is dominated by a huge fortifi ed castle which for more than 300 years was associated with the Buquoy Family. Don’t miss the modernized historical forge where you can see an exhibition of the forging craft and see blacksmiths at work during the summer. The Buquoy Tomb decorated with a mosaic inspired by Max Švabinský is also an interesting monument. Nature lovers should visit the romantic Terčino údolí, or Theresa’s Valley, an English park at the western edge of the town.
Tip for an experience
Visit the Terčino údolí Valley, a natural park with a number of decorative trees in the valley of the Stropnice River, founded in the 18th century by Earl Buquoy at the request of his wife Theresa. In 1949 it was declared a national natural monument. The local educational path of 7 km has 12 standpoints where the visitor can read about the destroyed buildings and the unique fl ora and fauna.
TOP cultural events
Hudební festival (Music Festival) Jihočeské Nové Hrady, every year at the turn of July and August