31. Castle brewery in Český Rudolec
With the opening of this microbrewery in 2015, the beer brewing tradition in Český Rudolec, originating as early as 1539, was renewed. Beer brewing rooms are located directly in the restaurant building called the Zámecký penzion. The fermentation…
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33. Popelín brewery
Popelín beer, which has been brewed in the U Zemanů Pub House since 2013, is produced in a traditional Czech way from water, barley malts and several types of Žatec hops. All beers are yeast, unfiltered and unpasteurized. The brewery has succeeded…
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34. Nová Bystřice Brewery
The brewery follows the tradition of beer brewing in Nová Bystřice, when in 1482 the bourgeois burghers received the milled right to brew beer from their lord Wolfgang Kraiger from Krajka. The renewed brewery was founded in 2017 and beer brewing was…
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35. Bohemia Regent, a. s.
The brewery in Třeboň has a truly long tradition. It was founded in 1379, while the historically earliest equipment for beer production was owned by the Augustinian religious canonic order as early as in 1367. The beer from Třeboň became famous and…
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36. Brewery in Jílovice
Operation was initiated in June 2015 by brewing the fi rst batch of 12% lager. High quality water from the foothills of the Novohradské hory mountains, Czech malt, and hop granules made of Czech hops are used for the production of beer. When using…
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37. Zevlův Mlýn Brewery
The family craft brewery Zevlův mlýn (Nové Hrady), with a capacity of 7000 litres of beer per month, was opened in July 2018. Beer production is based on a precious high-quality brewing, using Czech and foreign hops, malt and water from the…
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38. Žumberk Brewery
The Žumberk Microbrewery can be found in the town bearing the same name, Žumberk u Nových Hradů. Delicious homemade beer is prepared by means of a traditional craft decoction method. High quality materials are used to produce beer – malts from…
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What to visit
Observation tower and forest park U Jakuba The observation tower situated on Havel Mountain (680 m above sea level) off ers a beautiful view over the landscape of Czech Canada. Together with the entertainment and educational forest park it remains…
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