38. Žumberk Brewery

The Žumberk Microbrewery can be found in the town bearing the same name, Žumberk u Nových Hradů. Delicious homemade beer is prepared by means of a traditional craft  decoction method. High quality materials are used to produce beer – malts from Hanácko, hop cones from Žatec, and brewing water from the springs located behind the pilgrimage church of Virgin Mary at Dobrá Voda u Nových Hradů.

Produced beers: Pivo Žumberk – light lager 11°; semi-dark specialty 13°; dark specialty Černá mamba 14°; light specialty India Pale Ale 16°; Christmas specialty semi-dark 13°, only during the season. 

Where to taste and buy: You can buy beer in kegs and bottles directly in the brewery. You can taste beer in the Hotel Marie in Žumberk. 

Brewery visit: Tours are not available.


The brochure is available here.

