23. Horní Chrášťany Microbrewery
The family microbrewery in Horní Chrášťany, located in the extensive premises of Ekofarma, represents a newly founded tradition in a comfortable and calm environment of the South Bohemian countryside at the border of the Blanský les Protected…
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24. Hulvát Brewery in Truskovice
The brewery is a newcomer to the South Bohemian beer map. Homemade unfiltered and unpasteurized beer has been brewed here since September 2018. The brewery follows the long-years proven tradition of home brewing of its founders. That is the reason,…
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25. Prachatice Brewery
Malting and brewing has been part to Prachatice since ancient times, as has the Golden Path that went directly through the town. The Prachatice brewery is originally a redeveloped brewery with a traditional method of beer brewing and Czech…
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26. Microbrewery in the Bobík Hotel
The microbrewery was launched into operation together with the opening of the entire Bobík Hotel in August 2013. The formula of the produced beer that gained popularity among foreign visitors as well is the same as the formula of beer produced in…
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27. Šumava Brewery Vimperk
The Šumava Brewery (Šumavský pivovar) was founded in 2010. It is located on the lower end of the square in Vimperk and follows the long-term tradition of beer brewing in Vimperk. It is based on traditional formulas and procedures. Produced beers:…
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28. Pekárna Kvilda Microbrewery
The Pekárna Kvilda Microbrewery has been located in the highest located municipality of the Czech Republic since 2011. The municipality of Kvilda is situated on a crossroad of tourist, ski, and cycle routes in the heart of Šumava at 1,064 m above…
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What to visit
Kratochvíle Castle The Kratochvíle Castle was an unprecedented construction in the middle of the 16th century. It was a sign of the ostentatious generosity of Vilém of Rožmberk and represents a gem of building and decorative art of the Renaissance…
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